Principal's Message
Principal's Message

A warm welcome to Northbrooks Secondary School!
I feel honoured and privileged to be the Principal of Northbrooks, carrying forward the good work done by my predecessors.
Since its humble beginnings in 2000, Northbrooks Secondary has steadily grown to become a choice school. Guided by our vision – Every Brooksian a Champion, Impacting the Community – we are united in our desire to do our very best for our students, preparing them to be effective life-long learners. We foster in every Brooksian the Champion Learning Mindset, a mindset with a strong desire to learn and improve and bounce back in the face of adversities. We want to instil in our students this growth mindset, developing grit and resilience that are essential for success in life. In turn, our Brooksians will develop the capacity to serve by leading and lead in serving our school, our community and our nation.
Here at Northbrooks, we have also progressively integrated Positive Education (PosEd) concepts into our student development experiences, focusing on well-being, self-care, and caring for one another. This demonstrates our commitment to fostering a strong culture of care and growth in things that we do. PosEd includes showing gratitude and appreciation, making time to listen to others, and lending a helping hand to someone in need. Through PosEd, our students learn to set larger goals, even beyond themselves. This includes environmental sustainability, which is an area that we have been focusing on through our Environmental Education programme since 2018.
I am excited by the opportunities for much learning and growth that await us here at Northbrooks Secondary, and I am confident that our greatest strength lies in our commitment to provide an all-rounded education for our students.
While COVID-19 has presented us with many challenges, there are also exciting opportunities and benefits to be reaped, particularly through the affordances of technology. As we embrace the new normal and implement key MOE initiatives in the coming years, such as the Personalised Digital Learning Programme (PDLP) and Full Subject-Based Banding (FSBB), I am certain that our whole school community will forge ahead in this new chapter of life with confidence.
We remain steadfast in our beliefs and our conviction in making a positive impact on our Brooksians. Together, our Brooksians will strive to do their very best and stay rooted, serving to lead and leading to serve our community and nation with humility.
Soaring Yet Rooted
David Lau